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scuti [2021/10/04 00:04]
A User Not Logged in
scuti [2024/04/19 08:08]
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2023/11/18 13:29)
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-{{ :scooty.png?200|}} Scuti is a gamer who joined /pol/andcraft in September 2015. Since December 2018, autists of the /pol/andcraft Discord server has been subjugated under his dominion. This reign of terror, which continues to this day, has been characterized by not banning anyone, shitposting, but mostly doing fucking nothing.+<imgcaption image1|frenserb 3 Scuti>{{:scooty.png?170 |}}</imgcaption> Scuti is a gamer who joined /pol/andcraft in September 2015. Since December 2018, autists of the /pol/andcraft Discord server has been subjugated under his dominion. This reign of terror, which continues to this day, has been characterized by not banning anyone, shitposting, but mostly doing fucking nothing.
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- +======= History ======= 
 ===== Before /pol/andcraft ===== ===== Before /pol/andcraft =====
-Scuti started playing Minecuck in early 2012 and gave into the premium account Jew in 2013, when the redpill process had began with the epic meme HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG 2013, and culminated in mid-2015 when he realized the Holocaust did not fucking happen.+Scuti started playing Minebrap (cracked version) in early 2012. During this time he was a regular on a 100-player PvP factions survival server where, at one point, he got mod and then committed extremely based and funny crymes where he teleported his brother to random faggots' bases so he could kill them and take their shit. He also kicked and banned Mexicans for being Mexican (he deemed that Latin Americans are Mexican so they may have not literally been Mexican, but them being Mexican was funnier than being technically correct so it became truth), which was an omen for things to come. Eventually Scuti paid money to Mojang in 2013 to get a premium account. It was around this time that he became an irredeemable shitposter who said HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG 2013. Later this shitpost became unironic in mid-2015 when he was radicalized by the severe autism pit by the name of 8chan 
 ===== True Hero of /pol/andcraft ===== ===== True Hero of /pol/andcraft =====
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-**Miloserb: Sept. 2015–Mar. 2016**+==== Miloserb: Sept. 2015–Mar. 2016 ==== 
-Scuti'first two days on /pol/andcraft consisted of him shitposting in chat while making his base which was near spawn. Because of this shitpostingand probably also the fact his faction was named "wew" instead of something autisticNSDAP's resident dyke Emeldavi got pissed at him and then sent fetuscake to dab on himfetuscake almost had TNT'd his way into Scuti's underground base when the latter GTFO with epic /home powers. SPQR would soon join NSDAP in chasing the newfag across the map literally like five fucking times. Scuti managed to survive and never lose his shit even though he sucked at the game and his enemies were professional autists. He also was a part of RAS (later ASSR) for a while until they got dabbed on by SPQR. After this he made cozy underground base that he has copied multiple times.+<imgcaption image2|babby first base (2015Miloserbnear Spawn at Congo)>{{babby_first.png?350 |}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption image4|the base that Scuti replicates over and over again (this itself is replica)>{{copy_shit.png?350|}}</imgcaption> 
-**Owenserb: Mar. 2016–Apr. 2016**+Scuti's first two days on /pol/andcraft consisted of him shitposting in chat while making his base, not far from spawn. Because of this shitposting, and probably also the fact his faction was named "wew" instead of something autistic, NSDAP's resident dyke Emeldavi got pissed at him and then sent fetuscake to dab on him. Provoking the anger of NSDAP spergs by saying /me ass and Baneposting was Scuti's crossing of the Rubicon. This war would last as long as the server ran. Scuti's underground jungle base, very close to spawn (in the Congo, also Miloserb was an earth map), was easy to find. fetuscake almost had TNT'd his way into Scuti's base when the latter GTFO with epic /home powers. SPQR would soon join NSDAP in chasing the newfag across the map literally like four fucking times. Scuti moved his base to Spain, then some shit happened to cause him to move to Japan (he was probably found). He proceeded to rename his faction from "wew" to "CIA," and then his Japan base was destroyed (sans valuables) via cobblemonster by SPQR after they snuck a Baneposting mole into his faction to track him down. The prolonged chase sequence was not over yet, however. The next base Scuti created was located in the ocean west of Chile, and it was a wood rectangle floating just below the surface of the ocean. This box was ugly as balls but decently secure. Scuti fucked off again when a NSDAP (or SPQR) autist appeared on his minimap. Scuti managed to survive and never lose his valuables even though he sucked at the game and his enemies were professional autists hailing from literally the strongest factions on the server at that time.  
 +<imgcaption image3|communism in minecraft>{{ :assr.png?350|}}</imgcaption> Scuti then became a part of NAS, later known as RAS and lastly ASSR, which was a syndicalist faction led by legopikachu and gommie_69 which Scuti joined even though he was a /pol/ Nazi. Firstly, NAS's base at bedrock (which was in Ireland) got fucked up by the raiding faction Avars. A while later, NAS got involved in a conflict with SPQR which revolved around Athens. In an unrelated instance, Scuti broke into a replica of the Parthenon and used his sword to fucking eviscerate Akramer89, who was in the base without any armor. Anyway the Greece conflict was manufactured by SPQR, who wanted a casus belli so they could assrape ASSR, with the pedophile Magnon32 possibly being behind all of that bullshit. Following this, Scuti left the faction and created the second "wew," which had a base near the Southwest that was cozy as fuck, and he would recreate this base over and over. Also around this time, Scuti met bioman3, who was a harmless retard at the time, and the former trolled the latter epicly with lava as they created the icy shithole Fagarctica. wew's last base (exempting the cozy base) was an upside-down pyramid floating above the ocean. Miloserb then shut down in March 2016. 
 +==== Owenserb: Mar. 2016–Apr. 2016 ====
 Owenserb was a fucking mistake Owenserb was a fucking mistake
-**cuccserb: Jul. 2017–Apr. 2018**+Owen was a huge fucking faggot who opened a server near the end of March 2016. This serb introduced the gods plugin which was based for shitposting although it had no practical function in gameplay besides smiting people if they don't right click a sign every 10 minutes. Scuti was in AZ99's faction, OASIS, which worshiped AdrenalineON as their god. Unrelated to this, Owen held a few contests where ridiculously overpowered gear and weapons were given out. From these contests, Scuti obtained Protection V boots and a Sharpness VI sword. Now that he had this OP shit, he got bored and stopped playing because there was no more point. Owenserb continued to be a shitstorm after this, but Scuti wasn't there because he said fuck that shit, having won the whole thing in less than a week. 
 +==== cuccserb: Jul. 2017–Apr. 2018 ====
 During his first few weeks on the server, Scuti was a part of AZ9's faction OASIS, in whose base he made a fucking elevator and it was epic. Also he constantly complained about how it costed way too fucking many emeralds to claim an enemy faction's land for it to be even worth it to raid anyone. In January 2018 he resumed playing video game and joined bioman3's faction Bavaria, which fucking imploded the next month. On February 2, Scuti epic trolled spawn by exploiting the retarded tree plugin, making trees grow into Safezone. This meme was dubbed the "great tree fucking of spawn" by Scuti and nobody else. Bavaria became Prussia, which later became Germania, basing on top of a large island. This faction was subject to permanent, rampant infighting. Then the Vape War happened. During his first few weeks on the server, Scuti was a part of AZ9's faction OASIS, in whose base he made a fucking elevator and it was epic. Also he constantly complained about how it costed way too fucking many emeralds to claim an enemy faction's land for it to be even worth it to raid anyone. In January 2018 he resumed playing video game and joined bioman3's faction Bavaria, which fucking imploded the next month. On February 2, Scuti epic trolled spawn by exploiting the retarded tree plugin, making trees grow into Safezone. This meme was dubbed the "great tree fucking of spawn" by Scuti and nobody else. Bavaria became Prussia, which later became Germania, basing on top of a large island. This faction was subject to permanent, rampant infighting. Then the Vape War happened.
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 The intcuck faggots Lemon and XDA1 (and their horde of alts) appeared in the middle of March under the name VapeNation. A raid against them lead by the inept retard epicfaillord completely fucking failed when the raiders came to the realization that nobody had brought TNT, so they proceeded to dance on the Vapecuck base's roof in order to intimidate them. That night, some of the raiders used a Wither to dab on Vape's base while those faggots were offline. This was supposed to set a precedent but fucking nothing happened. The autistic alliance CHAD chased VapeNation across the map like three times and eventually the final battle took place at lordofthegoy's residence. The harmless buildfag was being harassed by the autistic faggots Lemon and XDA1, and the forces of CHAD appeared with its goal being to protect the innocent and delete the Vapecucks. The battle was at a stalemate (leaning Vape) when cuccubus dabbed on VapeNation by deleting their alts, allowing Scuti and the other CHAD autists to claim Vape's land and deport them. Scuti quickly GTFO to Vape's base to claim that shit immediately, and he succeeded, but since the war was over and the enemy was gone, the playercount quickly dropped off. Scuti soon retired to Kyushu with Kony2016, and on April 20, the server entered the recycle bin. The intcuck faggots Lemon and XDA1 (and their horde of alts) appeared in the middle of March under the name VapeNation. A raid against them lead by the inept retard epicfaillord completely fucking failed when the raiders came to the realization that nobody had brought TNT, so they proceeded to dance on the Vapecuck base's roof in order to intimidate them. That night, some of the raiders used a Wither to dab on Vape's base while those faggots were offline. This was supposed to set a precedent but fucking nothing happened. The autistic alliance CHAD chased VapeNation across the map like three times and eventually the final battle took place at lordofthegoy's residence. The harmless buildfag was being harassed by the autistic faggots Lemon and XDA1, and the forces of CHAD appeared with its goal being to protect the innocent and delete the Vapecucks. The battle was at a stalemate (leaning Vape) when cuccubus dabbed on VapeNation by deleting their alts, allowing Scuti and the other CHAD autists to claim Vape's land and deport them. Scuti quickly GTFO to Vape's base to claim that shit immediately, and he succeeded, but since the war was over and the enemy was gone, the playercount quickly dropped off. Scuti soon retired to Kyushu with Kony2016, and on April 20, the server entered the recycle bin.
-**Cptserb: Apr. 2018–Jul. 2018**+==== Cptserb: Apr. 2018–Jul. 2018 ====
 After cuccserb closed, CptPlanet_ made a new server and it was shit. Scuti did not actually play until two weeks into the serb's existence, missing Vape War II, in which CHAD autists (in a failed faction called USGA) and SPQR chased XDA1, who escaped and ultimately fucking nothing happened. Cpt was a retard who did not fucking listen to the playerbase at all and he never added any of the plugins that users constantly requested. In June, the serb was dying, and the legend of the spawn cobblemonsters began. Lobber cobbled spawn, and then Cpt removed it. Then Scuti cobbled spawn and the same thing happened, and Scuti cobbled spawn again and the epic was removed again. The next month, in an actually based move, Cpt deleted factions for the last week of the serb, prompting mass raiding of every single base on the server. After this shitstorm, Cpt gave every player creative mode, and soon the community would render the server literally fucking unplayable before it was gassed on July 31. Scuti also fucking eraseed the entirety of Hawaii, which was epic and based. After cuccserb closed, CptPlanet_ made a new server and it was shit. Scuti did not actually play until two weeks into the serb's existence, missing Vape War II, in which CHAD autists (in a failed faction called USGA) and SPQR chased XDA1, who escaped and ultimately fucking nothing happened. Cpt was a retard who did not fucking listen to the playerbase at all and he never added any of the plugins that users constantly requested. In June, the serb was dying, and the legend of the spawn cobblemonsters began. Lobber cobbled spawn, and then Cpt removed it. Then Scuti cobbled spawn and the same thing happened, and Scuti cobbled spawn again and the epic was removed again. The next month, in an actually based move, Cpt deleted factions for the last week of the serb, prompting mass raiding of every single base on the server. After this shitstorm, Cpt gave every player creative mode, and soon the community would render the server literally fucking unplayable before it was gassed on July 31. Scuti also fucking eraseed the entirety of Hawaii, which was epic and based.
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-**OLD VERSION** (missing images) +===== OLD, FUCKED UP VERSION OF THE ARTICLE =====
 “dab” “dab”
scuti.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/05 11:31 by A User Not Logged in