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Mob Spawner

You can buy a mob spawner at spawn for $150,00 by right clicking on the sign. You can use them by placing them and right clicking them with a spawn egg. Just specific mobs are allowed to be used with spawners. Spawn eggs can be obtained by hitting a mob with an egg (Plugin EggCatcher).

please expand that list if possible

Mobs that are not possible to be catched with eggs:

  • Creeper
  • Enderman
  • Pillager

Mobs that can be catched with spawn eggs, but can't be used with spawners

Trying to set a spawner with one of those mobs will result into one mob getting spawned and the spawner destroyed. This is enforced by the NoSpawnerChange plugin.

  • Shulker
  • Witch
  • Stray
  • Cow

Mobs that can be used on spawners

  • Blazer
  • Skeleton
  • Zombie
spawners.1741978622.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/14 14:57 by A User Not Logged in