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history [2025/03/12 11:42]
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2025/01/29 04:56)
history [2025/03/14 00:00] (current)
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2025/01/29 15:33)
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 ===== First Server ===== ===== First Server =====
 ==== The First World - The War with Popfront and the Minors ==== ==== The First World - The War with Popfront and the Minors ====
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-Came into existence sometime in August after Hudson proposed to Milo that they should both host a server together once again, instead of Milo creating another server and splitting off from Hudson'current oneEnjoyed a large amount of popularity due to Milo'efforts in advertisementreaching almost 40 players on peak hours in September/OctoberEventually the server quieted down to the point where it is todaywith around 10 active at peak hoursdue to administrators being busy normies (you fags can advertise too). Online as of December 22015+This rendition of /pol/andcraft came into existence sometime in early August of 2015, when Hudson9700 proposed to Milo that a server should be hosted together once again, rather than splintering into two separate servers. This rendition enjoyed great popularity, largely thanks to Milo's efforts in advertisement. At it's peak, /pol/andcraft would average ~40 players at it's peak in September and October of 2015. The server would quiet down to about ~15 players in late December of 2015. It is unclear when the server ceased to exist, but it's player count had fallen to the single digits in late February of 2016, and to zero in late March of that year.  
 +Today, few records survive of this era. The most valuable sources on this period, the former /polandcraft/ 8chan board and the Fandom Wikia, have been lost to time. A few archived copies of the 8chan /polandcraft/ board still exist, and can be retrieved on request at // (in the interests of protecting the anonymity of the editor.) 
 +**The following are the recollections of the editor, amalgamated from what few records remain and their own first hand accounts:** 
 +There were several major factions in this rendition, all of whom largely fought around the central city of **Corinth**. Corinth was much like the city of Berlin (or the earlier Jerusalem). It served as a central neutral zone where factions could claim plots, build, and interact with other players. The editor is unsure if this type of settlement still exists in current renditions, but much of /pol/andcraft politics unraveled here. The city was settled in a mountainous coastal region and was particularly notable as it was entirely a product of independent player initiative. The official server supported city of Berlin was largely neglected, and the administration acknowledged the city'relevance by granting it a warp point and various forms of grief protectionUnfortunately there are no photos of this city from before it's destruction. 
 +Much of the city was built with cobble, which would become a problem later on as the admins found it difficult to remove cobble monsters without destroying much of the city itself. Maintenance and repair of the city was largely performed by the minor faction of Latvia. Latvia had also constructed several small homes and shops, but they were among the first to be destroyed during Corinth's demise. 
 +As mentioned previously, there were several major factions in this rendition. These were the SPQR, Venice, Cascadia, and the USBF. 
 +The faction of **Latvia** was led by //Sp00n_exe//. The faction's primary activity was building in Corinth and Berlin, however unlike Venice it never aimed to police the city. The faction would often be attacked by the SPQR and AZ9, who would attack the faction to sow chaos. It's leader also created several memes, which are dotted throughout this entry. 
 +Little record remains of the **USBF**. It appears that they had been the founders of Corinth, building a large brickwork portion of the city and a massive cobblestone and glass tower (seemingly dubbed "Kraft Tower"). Despite the magnitude of their builds and their role in Corinth's foundation, their influenced seemed to wane as the SPQR, Venice, and Cascadia came to dominate the scene. 
 +{{ :usbf.jpg?200 |}} 
 +''//An archived thumbnail of a meme posted on 12/22/15 on the /polandcraft/ board. The meme depicts the USBF as a petty force, dwarfed by the influence of the gang of three. The meme suggests that the USBF had lost much of it'clout by late December.//'' 
 +The **SPQR** was undoubtedly the largest faction on the server. Led by //Sgt_Chainsaw//, their presence in Corinth was marked by an infamous watermelon castle. They also were known to have a distant base - an obsidian water cube - but it was never penetrated. This faction was a constant trouble maker as usual and was behind the destruction of Corinth when they enveloped the entire city in a cobble monster. It is unclear whether it was a singular attack, or several cobble monsters but it would be a contributing factor to the servers demise. 
 +{{ :spqrmelon.jpg?200 |}} 
 +''//An archived thumbnail of the SPQR melon castle, posted on 12/19/15. This photo was taken shortly before their destruction of the city. Lord_Clam and another unknown member prepare Withers and TNT cannons.//'' 
 +Little is known about **Venice**. It seems the faction played a great role in Corinth, building many structures such as the Patrician Cafe. The faction was headed by a //LordTonyStark//. An anonymous player is recorded accusing Venice of desiring to police and warmongering. The player then opened fire upon Venetian buildings with a TNT cannon. LordTonyStark responded by reaffirming his ambitions to "buildfag" and maintain order, pointing out the anonymous player's hypocrisy when they shelled his builds. 
 +Of **Cascadia**, almost no records remain. The editor of this entry has no recollection or clear mention of this faction on file, but it did appear several times in the server meme thread. It seems to have been a notable player, acting as a major player in Corinth. 
 +{{ :flagbearer.jpg?nolink&600 |}} 
 +''//An archived thumbnail of a flagbearer meme, portraying many of the server's major factions. Unfortunately, poor image quality means that many entities in this image are not identifiable. From left to right they are 
 +SPQR, Blacksun(?), Normandy, Cascadia, Western(?) Germany, Klumshar(?), Latvia, USBF, USA, and Dougmods.//'' 
 +The factions of **USA** and **Klumshar** are presumed to have been two rival factions. User //Ben_Garrison// seems to have been a member of the Klumshar faction and //Osama// of the USA faction. 
 +{{ :klumshar.jpg?nolink&200 |}} 
 +''//This archived thumbnail of a Klumshar meme is all that remains of the two rivals. It is presumed their influence was minimal, as they are rarely mentioned by other players. //'' 
 +**DougMods** was seemingly a notorious player, as they are almost universally referred to negatively by other players. This editor is unable to recall much about the player, other than their tendency to bait reactions out of players by retarded discussion. 
 +**LEGOPIKACHU** survives in history as only a meme maker. They created a few memes on request, but their role overall is unknown. 
 +{{ :legopik.png?nolink&500 |}} 
 +''//A few of LEGOPIKACHU's memes. From left to right they are GallonPCP, Dougmods, and LEGOPIKACHU himself.//'' 
 +It is unclear whether the two were the same, but **AZ9** also known as Adam Kramer or simply Akramer was perhaps the most retarded player on the server. As any player from this era will attest to, the beloved autist would quite literally play for 12+ hours a day doing nothing but cause trouble. Whether this be killing random players, griefing builds, or general retardation in the chat. This editor is neutral on all involved in this server, but the legacy of Kramer is one that is universally detested. His loss will not be missed, wherever he is.  
 +{{ :kramer2.jpg?nolink&400 |}} 
 +''//Not much remains of Kramer, and perhaps that is for the betterDepicted above is a surviving meme depicting his massacres and swift ban, and the second is from a quite humorous .webm that was saved bus is unable to be posted in this entry. The third makes light of his homosexuality and hypocrisy.//'' 
 +**Whlightnin** and **XirWillinghamXVI** were two players notable in the history of Corinth. Their factional allegiance is unknown, but they are recorded as having attempted to seize Corinth from it's founder, a player named **Adrint**. They seemed to have succeeded in their first attempt, but the city is destroyed by Adam Kramer and they instantly abandon the city. Adrint would return to the cityclear the ruins, and rebuild. However the two players would return againbut this time accepted to purchase the city for the price of diamonds and armor. Shortly after this acquisition, Corinth would fall and the server would falter.  
 +{{ :adrint.png?nolink&600 |}} 
 +''//The tale of the trio, as recorded from the perspective of Adrint on 1/15/16. This greentext also summarizes the fall of Corinth and the ultimate reason for this rendition of /pol/andcraft's demise.//'' 
 +Of the following players, the editor knows very little. Their names will still be listed so that they are not forgotten. 
 +//Kalubrota, Clam, Leviathan (a lesser known autist), WhiteJizzard, fuchs, Walberto, Illusha, Emel, Durbs, Uriham, ruin(?), Magnon, and OASIS.//  
 +Ultimately, this rendition of /pol/andcraft would come to an end with the repeated griefing of Corinth. On 12/22/15, SPQR member **Ivecoveredwars** cobbled the city in a thread that is well documented, with many pictures. The attacks would repeat several times, although their dates and perpetrators are unclear. It is widely believed the SPQR perpetrated the final set of attacks in the month of January 2016 that unseated the lid of chaos, which spilled over and left behind only a husk of a server. 
 +{{ :corinthend.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +''The fall of Corinth, as recorded by user "Bob" and "Tom", although these names are likely for the act of news reporters that the user donned when posting about the event. Seen are memes representing the dire state of the serverand imagery taken as the city was washed away in a sea of cobblestone.'' 
 +And with this, thus closes this chapter of /pol/andcraft history. The prosperity of a server and the will of it's player base slowly whittled away by repeated attacks by undesirables. An entire era, lost at the hands of petty tyrants. Many of the players of this era have long since moved on to new communities, as /pol/andcraft was forever changed. 
 +Perhaps in this universe there exists a solitary, absolute truth. Perhaps it clarifies every question, why those acted as they did, but that's beyond the reach of this editor's hands. I don't quite know what /pol/andcraft is today, and I don't think I would like to know. I have written this entry to record an era that had only been described in three sentences by the past author in hopes that I have fulfilled the curiosity of anyone who cares. 
 +//March 31st, 2021// 
 +//Enver P. Hoxha// 
 ===== Owen's Server ===== ===== Owen's Server =====
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-WIP+cuccserb, which ran from July 2017 to April 2018, was based 
 +<imgcaption label| Spawn in July 2017>{{:2017-07-17_22-39-32.jpg?400|}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption image2| Snow meme castle>{{:2017-11-27_23-26-54.png?200|}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption image3| Spawn in December 2017>{{:2017-12-09_22-14-06.jpg?200|}}</imgcaption><imgcaption image4| Ice racing track>{{:2017-12-29_03-21-22.jpg?200|}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption image5| Spawn in January 2018>{{:2018-01-10_02-06-23.jpg?200|}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption image7| Appearance of cuccserb on the server list>{{:2017-12-22_22-15-54.png?400|}}</imgcaption> 
 +*shit tons of noteworthy stuff happened during this era and needs to be documented including 
 +-other pre-c.h.a.d events 
 +-formation of c.h.a.d 
 +-the assrape of lakiga 
 +-papalstates betrayal, destruction of c.h.a.d 
 +-papalstates-SPQR war 
 +-long interlude 
 +-rise of germania, reformation of c.h.a.d 
 +-c.h.a.d-UIC cold war 
 +-world war (you) (wwu)
 +-decay and server closing
 ===== cptserb ===== ===== cptserb =====
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 +===== /int/craft and civcraft incursions (November 2018-2020) =====
 ===== Hudson's New Server ===== ===== Hudson's New Server =====
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 ==== Citadel/Second Map (January 2019 - May 2019) ==== ==== Citadel/Second Map (January 2019 - May 2019) ====
-This was /pol/andcraft's first usage of Citadel instead of factions, and we discovered it sucks. Took a tremendous amount of work to set up (relative to factions) but most players never really learned how to use it. There was still some drama on this one, those who were involved should add more below. - Hudson+<imgcaption image1|ilikebacon3546's newfag plantation>{{ :2019-02-02_00.29.03.png?400|}}</imgcaption>This was /pol/andcraft's first usage of Citadel instead of factions, and we discovered it sucks. Took a tremendous amount of work to set up (relative to factions) but most players never really learned how to use it. There was still some drama on this one, those who were involved should add more below. - Hudson 
 +Basically ilikebacon3546 reigned supreme with his empire known as the plantation with the capital being a massive island named after mein fuhrer. This empire was kept alive by the recruitment of many newfags most notably being sideless and gollygeekid. The problem with recruiting newfags was that many never stayed, so thus there was a great need for fresh meat. To feed this need ilikebacon3546 infiltrated ovechads and aided in its destruction from the inside. This victory brought great spoils to the slave nation. The most glorious of all being gollygeekid, who bacon rescued from a burning ovechads headquarters during the insurrection and newfag massacre. Also lakiga got dabbed on hard, even for a trap fucker. ;)  
 +Polandciv was fucking based, [[scuti|read about it in my article fag]] - Scuti 
 +==== Entropy/Third map (May 2019 - May 2020) ====  
 +Hudson's third map, returning to factions from citadel, ran from May 2019 to May 2020. It was during this time that the epic "Holocaust World in Minecraft" meme was spawned as a result of the West Australian newspaper's discovery of /pol/andcraft. 
 +{{ :img_1.png?200 |}} 
 +//it was at this point hudson decided like so many before him that playercounts were too low and of course another fucking reset would fix this problem 
 +a botched 1.14 server was quickly thrown together literally days after 1.14 to the disdain of many players 
 +it sucked 
 +1.14 was barely fucking playable in vanilla due to the retards who make this game not inventing optimizaion until 1.15 let alone with all the broken plugins that had just been updated for 1.14 
 +throw in hudsons general ineptitude and you have a recipe for fucking dissaster 
 +playercounts tanked during this time and nothing of actual note happened 
 +despite this hudson continued to run the server perpetually with players slowly leaving the server forever as the server was fucking unplayable hudson attempted to compensate for his ineptitude by mass shilling the server on halfchan but even the sub 20 iq retards of half /b/ could see past hudkikes bullshit and eventually left 
 +during this time many more invasions were launched into other servers all either failing miserably or reaching vastly beyond the scope of this wiki 
 +as of january 2020 everyone is still fucking waiting for hudson to admit defeat and turn his abortion off// 
 +** - bioman3 wrote this after logging in on the map multiple times and nobody being online ever, if you played during this period and have literally anything to add feel free to not exist because nobody plays on this shitty fucking iteration** 
 +***new Serb good  
 +***This entry is in need of major clean up and revision, as the previous editors of this entry are clinically retarded and care little for proper formatting.*** 
 +===== frenserb era (November 2019-) ===== 
 +frenserbs were servers played on modded Minecraft and which were geared toward hosting /pol/andcraft frens. The nature of these servers was peaceful and did not allow for blowing each other's shit up unlike normal /pol/andcraft servers. The first frenserb was opened in November 2019 by cuccubus. This was later shut down in May 2020. Its successor, frenserb 2, was opened in August 2020, again hosted by cucc. In November 2020, frenserb 2 was traded out for frenserb 3 (aka onionserb), hosted by onions, who also had been an /int/cuck admin.
history.1741794171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/12 11:42 by A User Not Logged in