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oveja [2025/03/14 13:35]
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2023/12/23 01:17)
oveja [2025/03/15 07:40] (current)
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2023/11/09 03:38)
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-{{:ovechad.png?200|}} +{{:ovechad.png?400|}}
 **Fags burn, God laughs** **Fags burn, God laughs**
 +He is a regular player of recent years and a real based family man, keeping the spic race alive by producing offspring with his qt wife. Retired combat pilot irl, still serving in the reserves and redpilling the youths. Recently acquired hate for newfags, but still hates chinks over anything.
-He is a regular player of recent years and a real based family man, keeping the spic race alive by producing offspring with his qt wife. Retired combat pilot irl, now lives with the bavarian communities in southern Chile. +**Late 2017 cuccserb**
-  +
-====== Cuccserb ====== +
 Oveja first joined in late cuccserb 2017 and established the city of Meccha in some desert shithole. Then he became acquainted with [[bioman3|biocuck]] and eventually CHAD was formed. Oveja first joined in late cuccserb 2017 and established the city of Meccha in some desert shithole. Then he became acquainted with [[bioman3|biocuck]] and eventually CHAD was formed.
-==== Lakiga's reckoning ==== +**Lakiga's reckoning**
 Eventually [[bioman3|biocuck]] moved his floating piece of dirt next to Meccha with the help of crymes and CHAD used it as headquarters. [[lakiga|Lakiga]] at one point killed everyone that was naked inside the meeting room causing CHAD to retaliate harshly against him, he didn't stand a chance and his base got shoah'd with lava and trees. He then proceeded to disband his faction and move away to live a peaceful life somewhere, his now abandoned base got nigged further. Eventually [[bioman3|biocuck]] moved his floating piece of dirt next to Meccha with the help of crymes and CHAD used it as headquarters. [[lakiga|Lakiga]] at one point killed everyone that was naked inside the meeting room causing CHAD to retaliate harshly against him, he didn't stand a chance and his base got shoah'd with lava and trees. He then proceeded to disband his faction and move away to live a peaceful life somewhere, his now abandoned base got nigged further.
-==== Papal niggers power trip and the fall of CHAD ==== +**Papal niggers power trip and the fall of CHAD**
 After the [[lakiga|Lakiga]] autism Papal niggers grew in size as Owen invited over all his Canadian friends and eventually it changed in leadership to the warlike Carchuck, he gathered soldiers and took over Meccha, but Oveja vowed revenge, eventually causing him to blow up part of Meccha intentionally as an honorable act of protest against their unlawful occupation. Oveja coupled with other members of CHAD consolidated into Lobber's faction to resist Papal's numerical superiority. After the [[lakiga|Lakiga]] autism Papal niggers grew in size as Owen invited over all his Canadian friends and eventually it changed in leadership to the warlike Carchuck, he gathered soldiers and took over Meccha, but Oveja vowed revenge, eventually causing him to blow up part of Meccha intentionally as an honorable act of protest against their unlawful occupation. Oveja coupled with other members of CHAD consolidated into Lobber's faction to resist Papal's numerical superiority.
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 Some other autism happened after the war, but Oveja was not around to witness it. Some other autism happened after the war, but Oveja was not around to witness it.
-====== Cptserb 2018 ======+**Cptserb 2018**
 In Cptserb 2018 he established the Inca Empire as a federated state part of USGA. Due to [[bioman3|biocuck]] contesting the presidential election results and refusing to cede power to Lobber, coupled with his general inability to lead, the Inca Empire seceded from USGA as it collapsed. Due to the previous events, Oveja and [[bioman3|biocuck]] developed deep hate for one another and this would be the direct causation of the course of future events. In Cptserb 2018 he established the Inca Empire as a federated state part of USGA. Due to [[bioman3|biocuck]] contesting the presidential election results and refusing to cede power to Lobber, coupled with his general inability to lead, the Inca Empire seceded from USGA as it collapsed. Due to the previous events, Oveja and [[bioman3|biocuck]] developed deep hate for one another and this would be the direct causation of the course of future events.
-====== First Incursion ======+**First Incursion**
 After Cptserb, Oveja led an incursion into intcuck, establishing the Afghan city of Mosul in another desert shithole with snow alongside Red, Osama, and Colasanti. They //brabely// fought off japs from their lands while they were being outnumbered and outgunned. He went to the defense of Lobber in Panama and then epic shut down the serb because he was being harassed due to him fucking a man in LA. After Cptserb, Oveja led an incursion into intcuck, establishing the Afghan city of Mosul in another desert shithole with snow alongside Red, Osama, and Colasanti. They //brabely// fought off japs from their lands while they were being outnumbered and outgunned. He went to the defense of Lobber in Panama and then epic shut down the serb because he was being harassed due to him fucking a man in LA.
-====== Second Incursion ====== +**Second Incursion** 
- +Oveja and Scuti shortly after being chased off by MTAniggers
-{{::exodus.png?200|}} +
-Oveja and Scuti shortly after being chased off by MTAniggers+
 After this he led another incursion, this time into civcuck, still alongside Osama and Red, [[scuti|Scuti]] also with them. [[bioman3|biocuck]], Viriato, Lobber, Cpt, and [[lakiga|Lakiga]] eventually joined in. Oveja and [[scuti|Scuti]] were chased off by MTA niggers due to wrongthink, causing them to wander the ocean for a long time and they eventually arrived to their promised land where they established the proudbois Caliphate with Osama as it's head. After this he led another incursion, this time into civcuck, still alongside Osama and Red, [[scuti|Scuti]] also with them. [[bioman3|biocuck]], Viriato, Lobber, Cpt, and [[lakiga|Lakiga]] eventually joined in. Oveja and [[scuti|Scuti]] were chased off by MTA niggers due to wrongthink, causing them to wander the ocean for a long time and they eventually arrived to their promised land where they established the proudbois Caliphate with Osama as it's head.
oveja.1741973707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/14 13:35 by A User Not Logged in