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oveja [2025/03/14 14:28]
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oveja [2025/03/15 06:32] (current)
A User Not Logged in old revision restored (2023/10/25 22:24)
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 ====== Early 2019 Hudserb ====== ====== Early 2019 Hudserb ======
 ==== The Kingdom of Ovechads ==== ==== The Kingdom of Ovechads ====
 +<imgcaption image1| Ovechads at its peak.>{{:peak.png?200 |}}</imgcaption>
 Another Hudserb was established in early 2019. He moved in across from the river where Lobber, [[scuti|Scuti]], and Zeon had established themselves. In the mountain he proclaimed Mount Chad he started building the capital of his kingdom, the Kingdom of Ovechads. He decided to once again employ mass newfag recruiting tactics due to the serb allowing it to be done relatively safe due to the standing citadel usage and not gay factions. Another Hudserb was established in early 2019. He moved in across from the river where Lobber, [[scuti|Scuti]], and Zeon had established themselves. In the mountain he proclaimed Mount Chad he started building the capital of his kingdom, the Kingdom of Ovechads. He decided to once again employ mass newfag recruiting tactics due to the serb allowing it to be done relatively safe due to the standing citadel usage and not gay factions.
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 ==== Night of the Long Knives ==== ==== Night of the Long Knives ====
-With time the patience of Oveja began to reach critical points, as one particular newfag that does not deserve to be named, which Oveja had appointed to an administrative position was constantly sperging out due to [[lakiga|Lakiga]] dabbing on him. Oveja had constantly advised him to chill and keep working, but he did not listen and eventually killed [[lakiga|Lakiga]] while he was working hard at his project. Oveja then declared him KOS and he got shoah'd, but the fag took over the vault and moved all shit away to locations unknown. Oveja had had it, coupled with newfags stealing or missplacing shit, not listening to orders, not working or outright being shills/agents to [[memeraiding|memeraiders]], he reached boiling point. He declared the Ovechads Kingdom to be no more and so began the Night of the Long Knives” where Oveja and [[lakiga|Lakiga]], joined by Lobber, Scuti, and Zeon, went arround the city burning everything and killing every single newfag, except for 2 which had been declared as good boys by Oveja. And so the man that once loved newfags became their most avid hater.+<imgcaption image1| The Night of the Long Knives.>{{:its_ogre.png?200 |}}</imgcaption> 
 +With time the patience of Oveja began to reach critical points, as one particular newfag called Joseph666Stalin[(turns out he is a civcuck sperg who also frequents intcuck)], which Oveja had appointed to an administrative position was constantly sperging out due to [[lakiga|Lakiga]] dabbing on him. Oveja had constantly advised him to chill and keep working, but he did not listen and eventually killed [[lakiga|Lakiga]] while he was working hard at his project. Oveja then declared him KOS and he got shoah'd, but the fag took over the vault and moved all shit away to locations unknown. Oveja had had it, coupled with newfags stealing or missplacing shit, not listening to orders, not working or outright being shills/agents to [[memeraiding|memeraiders]], he reached boiling point. He declared the Ovechads Kingdom to be no more and so began the Night of the Long Knives where Oveja and [[lakiga|Lakiga]], joined by Lobber, Scuti, and Zeon, went around the city burning everything and killing every single newfag, except for 2 which had been declared as good boys by Oveja. And so the man that once loved newfags became their most avid hater.
 Oveja then left for faraway lands, eventually reaching world border and settling there. It was around this time that he discovered the ultimate power of duping. Oveja then left for faraway lands, eventually reaching world border and settling there. It was around this time that he discovered the ultimate power of duping.
 ==== Ultimate Duping Power Trip Arc ==== ==== Ultimate Duping Power Trip Arc ====
 +<imgcaption image1| Hitler Island around May 2019>{{:hitlerisland.png?200 |}}</imgcaption>
 It took Oveja around a week to build up, but once he got the hang of duping he quickly outproduced everyone in the serb secretly, sometimes he even duped while [[hudson|hudkike]] or cuccubus were visiting without them realizing. It took Oveja around a week to build up, but once he got the hang of duping he quickly outproduced everyone in the serb secretly, sometimes he even duped while [[hudson|hudkike]] or cuccubus were visiting without them realizing.
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 A few days after Scuti had killed Oveja, he was back at the castle of the Empire to memeraid. With one of his mass-produced Elytras, he began circling around the castle eventually having Scuti go to the roof to fire arrows at him. His FPS dropped down to 0 and his game crashed, Scuti killed him during this and found the 2 stacks of god apples he was carrying. A few days after Scuti had killed Oveja, he was back at the castle of the Empire to memeraid. With one of his mass-produced Elytras, he began circling around the castle eventually having Scuti go to the roof to fire arrows at him. His FPS dropped down to 0 and his game crashed, Scuti killed him during this and found the 2 stacks of god apples he was carrying.
-WIP+=== The Massacre of Hitler Island === 
 +He keeps on supplying shit to Hitler Island incognito, but eventually Scuti pops in and finds Oveja. Urging Oveja to renounce the dark side and stop duping. Oveja utters: "You underestimate my power." and a battle begins. This time, Oveja had come prepared with god gear, potions, god apples, and several stacks of mob eggs. 
 +He fully expected bacon to come to his aid as he was supplying him with massive ammounts of duped shit and were fighting right there on his lands, but the help did not come. Managing to get Scuti to eventually flee, Oveja turns his anger towards Hitler Island and begins massacring every newfag he found wandering around it. 
 +Scuti and Zeon came back and fought Oveja for a while and he decided to retreat for the day. 
 +=== Second Battle of Hitler Island === 
 +<imgcaption image1| Oveja and Scuti about to face off on the fields of Hitler Island.>{{:first_battle.png?200 |}}</imgcaption> 
 +For the next week, Oveja would sporadically memeraid and grief Hitler Island as a means of revenge against the inaction of their leadership. Lobber and Scuti ambushed him there eventually and another battle ensued. Oveja managed to kill Lobber and almost kill Scuti as his armor wore down, this was not a problem for Oveja as he had duped several stacks of xp bottles to mend all his shit. It seemed as though he had become and unstoppable force and it was a matter of time for him to strike directly and decisively at the heart of the Empire. 
 +=== Hudkike intervenes === 
 +With Oveja being on the loose and it being undeniable by this point that he was duping shit, Hudkike decides to finally intervene. While Oveja slept, Hudkike got to work. He leaked Oveja's base coordinates and together with Scuti, Lobber, and Zeon rekt his entire place. Oveja had planned for this eventuality and had stashed some gear in different locations. He still had an inventory and could put up a fight if it were needed. 
 +=== Fuhrer Oveja === 
 +One more time, Oveja visited Hitler Island. But not to memeraid like he had been doing, he was there to take over. Several of the newfags from ovechads had fled to Hitler Island after the Night of the Long Knives and had settled there. iakwai was on good terms with Oveja and they agreed on the need of a strong leader figure to rule the newfags with an iron fist and decided to support Oveja and recognize him as the Fuhrer. Oveja went to every newfag in Hitler Island to get a personal vow of loyalty and support, those who refused were slain on the spot. In an afternoon, Oveja was effectively the indisputed head of Hitler Island. 
 +=== Third Battle of Hitler Island === 
 +<imgcaption image1| Hitler Island after the Battle and the subsequent nigging by Lakiga.>{{:postlaki.png?200 |}}</imgcaption> 
 +As expected, Scuti and Lobber immediately invaded Hitler Island and it was up to Oveja to defend the Reich. The fight ensued for an entire day, Oveja being on the winning side at the start, but attrition began taking its toll as the day wore on without him having access to endless supplies anymore. He went all out on the attackers, using everything he had on his inventory and stashes to beat them, but they kept on coming back. 
 +Eventually it was only Scuti and Oveja fighting, the plantation had taken heavy damages and Oveja had run out of xp bottles to mend his armor. Not long after, his armor finally broke and the fight was over with Scuti as the victor.
 ===== Mid-2019 Hudserb ===== ===== Mid-2019 Hudserb =====
oveja.1741976920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/14 14:28 by A User Not Logged in