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“The greatest player in polandcraft history” -The original version of this article in its entirety, presumably written by Adam himself.

Adam Kramer otherwise known as akramer89 or dougmods is a man who requires no introduction He is by far the servers most well known player and go-to lolcow with his image and mannerisms being so well known that some would go so far as to consider him the servers mascot

Redemption arc

After cuccserb adam would again fade into irrelevance and random inconsistent visits to the server as cptserb came and went and the many hudserbs passing by and progressively sucking more life force out of the community as a whole

In 2019 the last hudserb shut down and polandcraft entered the frenserb era where the servers population decreased drastically and actual servers shifted from being open factions servers to whitelist-only modded servers

it was here that Adam would make another appearance, again defying expectations and breaking the entire natural order of the server up to this point Adam unironically became a fren and played on the servers regularly alongside the dozen or so regulars the server still had

Rather this turn of events is considered the darkest timeline or the servers good ending as old rivalries fade away and the server turns into some kind of utopian afterlife-like hugbox made up exclusively of oldfags the fact of the matter is that Adam is, for better or for worse, here to stay and barring some kind of huge revival of /pol/ culture and a non-cancer source to draw newfags from this new style of /pol/andcraft isn't going anywhere any time soon either

dougmods_akramer89.1741954506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/14 08:15 by A User Not Logged in